👩💻History Summary
Once you've deployed your bot to production, you can view the questions and answers that your users are asking.
The endpoint to access this history summary is working with a GET request :
Remember to use the API Token in the headers as show in the Authentication section.
The required parameters are :
Property | Type | Description |
[id] | uuid | Chatbot |
remember to find your chatbot UUID after listing all your chatbot as shown in previous section.
Example of Response
Response is a HTTP 200 Array with a list of JSON source object :
Here as the description of the details provided :
Property | Type | Description |
id | number | unique identifier |
created_at | timestamp | Timedate creation of the user session |
user_agent | json | This typically includes the type and version of browser, operating system, and sometimes other information such as default language. |
uuid | Universally Unique Identifier | 128-bit number used to uniquely identify some object or entity on the internet. |
visibility | number (0, 1, 2) | usefull to filter message you have seen, archive or delete |
ip | IPV4 or IPV6 Address | IP of the user who initiate the session |
geo | json | a JSON giving you information about the user location |
chatbot_uuid | Universally Unique Identifier | UUID of corresponding chatbot |
session_uuid | Universally Unique Identifier | uuid to identiy this session |
messagenbr | number | Number of message the user sent (message from Ai chatbot are not count) |
the usefull parameters is the "session_uuid", you can use it to retreive all the message from a given session
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