✏️Chatbot Appearance and message

Update appearance of the chatbot with this endpoint :


Where [id] is the chatbot uuid of the chatbot you want to update.

in terms of design, there is a lot of parameters you can play with :

For Chatbot Window

For Chatbot Bubble

The chatbot bubble is the always visible bubble (often placed at the bottom left of the screen).

If your using it, it can be useful to customise it to match the colours and design of your site.

Here is the parameters you can play with :

Some Example :

If you want to update the primary Color to Red Color. (#FF0000) and the bot Title to "test".

In Javascript / Fetch

dont forget to change [id] by your chatbot UUID.

let dataToUpdate = {
bot_primary_color : "#FF0000",
bot_title : "test"

fetch('https://www.owlbot.ai/api/bot/[id]/update/', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Authorization': 'abcdefghj',
  body: JSON.stringify({
  dataToUpdate : dataToUpdate,
  botId : [id]
}).then(res => res.json())
  .then(res => console.log(res));


response is a HTTP 200 with the newly updated chatbot property as JSON.

Last updated